Wednesday, 11 January 2012

How shoudl women behave? 5:2 136-179

In the Act 5:2 lines 136-179 Katherina makes a speech telling Bianca how women and wives should behave towards there husbands. And how women should treat the husbands' with up most respect.
She say that women should be loyal to their husbands. they are 'They are bound to serve, love and obey.' And also that they should look after them self's 'Our bodies soft, and weak, and smooth,' 'for they maintenance; commits his body'

She also says talks about her duties to her Husband. She talks about him being superior 'Thy husband is thy lord, they life, thy keeper, thy head, thy sovereign;' She talks about obeying everything that he does and he ''owns'' and ''controlls''her. 'true obedience.' this sums it up really, all she does it so obey him and she can only do things that he allows.

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