Friday, 10 February 2012


A poem such as this, about Roller-Skaters, has a lively and young atmosphere about it. The subject and content of the poem is not highly mature or adventurous. There is not really any hidden meaning behind the it, and most of the poetic devices are not extremely. The Poem is mainly about two teenagers, being compared to Earthbirds during the poem. There are other phrases and words that link in with the reference to being a earthbird. Such as, Unfeathered. Birds are feathered, and if the author is describing them birds, but specifically earthbirds she, (the author) needs to make it obvious that she is thinking earthbirds not normal birds. This why the unfeathered birds was added, it makes sure the if there were any initial thought that they were normal feathered birds is changed, creating a difference, making the teenagers described as birds different.
As well as using phrases to create difference, they are also used to create pace and slow down the speed of the poem. for example, 'smooth swoop', these two words slow the poem now considerably, the words themselves, indervidualy, are very slow spoken words. If you say them outloud, they are lots slower that for example, Zig-zagging', another example from the poem. This is a very fast phrase.

1 comment:

  1. There's some decent analysis of the poem interspersed with things that either don't make sense or dismiss large chunks of the poem. For example, you write: 'content of the poem is not highly mature or adventurous'. Poems don't have to be 'adventurous' and 'not highly mature'? The poem juxtaposes the actions of the children and their carefree attitudes with their mothers - whose attitude is very different. Actually, a very mature idea. Again, the point of poetry is not to be 'obvious': poetry is meant to make you think.Your second paragraph is better and more focused on the language.
